February 16, 2011

[CLOSED] Giveaway: Spiral X by J.J. Westendarp

Spiral X
Author: J.J. Westendarp

Cheryl Erikson is a Vampire Hunter with a problem. A dangerous new drug named Plast has found its way onto the streets of Dallas. She would prefer to let the DEA and local law enforcement handle everything, but since the dealers also happen to be vampires, she has no choice but to step in and put a stop to it.

With the help of her best friend Virgil and a fellow Hunter named Tank, Cheryl must work to eradicate Plast from the streets of Dallas. It's a task that becomes more difficult as she comes under the gun, quite literally, from a contract out on her head. Coupled with a nosy police detective looking to peg her for a triple homicide, and a sudden interest in her activities from a powerful vampire recently arrived in the area, it's enough to force her to accept help from the least likely of sources, a mysterious Hunter named Rev. Through him, everything she thinks she knows, and everything she stands for, is challenged in ways she never imagined.

About the Author:
J. J. Westendarp lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex with his wife, two kids, and two basset hounds. He is an unapologetic Dallas Cowboys fan, loves to play games (video and board) when he gets a chance, and has an unhealthy obsession with Star Wars.

You can find J.J. Westendarp and his books at Smashwords and be sure to check out his Facebook Page!


Author J.J. Westendarp is giving away FIVE, yep 5, eBook copies of his novel, Spiral X to five lucky commenters in honor of his current eBook Blog Tour. Be sure to follow J.J. throughout the tour for more awesome giveaways, interviews, guest posts as well as reviews of his novel! 

  • Contest Ends February 26, 2011
  • To Enter please leave a comment with a valid email address where you're prize may be sent
  • All winners will be chosen via Random.org
  • Winners will be announced and notified on Monday February 28, 2011 and winners will be sent coupons to Smashwords to redeem your book in a compatible format for your eReader.


Nicole said...

The book sounds really interesting.
My e-mail is n.wallace@hotmail.ca

LunaMoth said...

my kindle would like this book =)


Anne said...

Sounds like an exciting read. It's interesting that a male writer has chosen a female main character. I wonder why? I participated in a blog post about whether as a reader I cared about the gender of the author versus the gender of the main character. The answer was no, but it does interest me as to the why?


Anonymous said...

I love reading books about vampires. The book sounds really good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Blood Rose Books said...

Hi Wenj,
Thanks for the post about this book. Sounds interesting. Have you had a chance to read the book? I was looking for your review and was unable to see one. I was kind of wondering if this book was just part of the paranormal genre or paranormal romance book.



j-9-books (at) hotmail (dot) com