April 22, 2011

State of Mind Blog Tour: Giveaway [CLOSED]

State of Mind
by Sven M. Davison

Your thoughts are not your own...

In the not too distant future, freedom is a just a word that you willingly trade for a dozen donuts, based on the dubious promise that you can eat what you want and never gain weight. You can also take drugs will no ill effects or call a friend while surfing the web without a phone or computer. All this and more will be yours following the simple installation of a P-Chip in your brain.

After botching the arrest of the governor's son in Los Angeles, Commander Jake Travissi is banned from law enforcement. the workaholic homicide cop spirals into depression... until he is given a rare second chance. The price? Volunteer for chip implantation and join Homeland Security's experimental Enhanced Unit.

The grisly assassination of a prominent Nobel Laureate brings the newly formed Unit on the scene to investigate. But as the body count rises, Jake begins to realize that his actions, and even his thoughts, are not his own. Fighting to regain control of his own State of Mind, Jake finds himself embroiled in a global conspiracy to enslave the human race!
Read my review here.

In honor of his Blog Tour Sven was kind enough to offer up one hard back copy of his novel State of Mind. To enter, please answer this question and fill out the form below:

Would you ever be willing to implant yourself with a personalized computer chip for the sake of convenience?

-Contest ends April 29, 2011
-Open to US residents only
-Comment with the answer to the above question
-Fill out this Form

Extra Entries:
+1 GFC Follower (New/Old)
+1 ReTweet about this contest (please provided URL)


ereader89 said...

No I wouldn't because it wouldn't be for my convenience it would be for the convenience of the people that are controlling the computer chips.

This book sounds really good and I can't wait to read it.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

No way! Sounds like the premise of a book I read in middle school...wish I remembered what it was!

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

No I don't think it would be very convenient in the long run.

Sana Noor said...

I would never want to do that. I think i like the fact that i can call my thoughts my own and not for others to listen to. Its one place where i can be myself and not someone else. Taking a look into my thoughts will reveal so much about me and somehow i am in no way ready to advertise my thoughts.

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Would I? I don't know. I do know that's where we are headed. Or at least to me it seems that way.

Thanks for the review.


mary_reiss @ hotmail.com

Anne said...

Possibly. It would have to be tested for several years for safety. It was also depend on what the chip did or the information people could access from it.

My cats are chipped and it was minimally invasive and the data the chip gives out is just a code. It's up to me to give the company any further information. I'm sure though in the book it's more sophisticated.


Anonymous said...

Would you ever be willing to implant yourself with a personalized computer chip for the sake of convenience? No because it would be for the convenience of everyone else not me. I feel it would be an invasion of privacy also. The book sounds really good. Can't wait to read. Tore923@aol.com

Unknown said...

Nahhh, then they would really be in my mind! :P

Katie said...

i think it would depend on the risks and consequences of that chip.

thanks for the giveaway.