About the Author

Kris has three adult daughters, Lyndsi, Ashley, and Sara who continually enlighten her with their inspiration and unconditional love. Her eight grandchildren bring delight and imagination to the empty nest whenever possible to remind her that the world is always more fun when viewed with childlike wonder.
Kris has a passion for the paranormal, writing fiction, and sharing her faith in innovative forums so combining the three has led to a series of books she is working on. If you’ve got Mojo; look for upcoming releases in 2011.
About the Novel
When Scottie Brown, a New Orleans college student, is aggressively haunted by nightmares and daytime apparitions, he begins a search for answers; unwittingly putting himself and those closest to him in a confrontation with evil.
To defeat the energy that torments him, he recruits a team of paranormal investigators, friends from high school, and a psychic medium. Together, they pursue the ghosts of Scottie’s ancestors in a haunted plantation deep in the Louisiana countryside. They uncover dark family secrets and the spiritual energy of a malevolent patriarch who projects an unholy prophecy that has deadly consequences for all mankind.
The power of an elusive mojo amulet becomes central to fighting Scottie’s demons as the journey through the haunted mansion, filled with twists and turns, takes on a life of its own against time.
Mojo is a fast paced paranormal thriller. Edgy and fun, this book will show the reader how having faith in a power greater than ourselves will lift us through even the most unforeseeable obstacles in life.
Welcome to Black Lagoon Reviews, Kris!
BLR: To begin, could you tell us a little bit about ‘Mojo’?
KS: Mojo is the story of, Scottie Brown, a New Orleans college student who is haunted by vivid nightmares that threaten to cross over into the real world. At the same time, he sees terrifying apparitions and hears the word, “Mojo,” thrown at him during the ghostly encounters. Scottie is not dealing with the haunting well in the beginning. He drinks too much and has genuine concerns about his sanity. But pretty early on, he decides to take the bull by the horns, or maybe other pieces of its anatomy, and takes control of his situation.
He calls upon a paranormal investigations team, friends from high school, and a psychic medium to help him fight his demons. Along with his girlfriend, Aimee, and friend, C.J., they tackle Scottie’s ghosts together in a haunted plantation in the deserted Louisiana countryside. They uncover dark family secrets, ties to the occult, and the negative spiritual energy of a malevolent patriarch who projects an unholy prophecy from the grave. The term “Mojo” remains central to fighting Scottie’s demons as the journey through the haunted plantation, filled with surprising twists and turns, takes on a life of its own in a race against time.
Mojo is a fast-paced paranormal mystery-thriller with descriptive scenes packed with ghosts and ghouls. Dark and edgy, this book will show the reader how having faith can lift us through even the most unusual circumstances in life. I’ve actually had a few people tell me they can’t read Mojo at night because it scares them so much!
BLR: There is another book ‘The Spirit Seekers’ that you are currently in the process of re-editing and is the predecessor to ‘Mojo’. What can you tell us about that novel?
KS: “The Spirit Seekers” was my first attempt at writing. It was sort of a goof and I didn’t originally ever intend to publish it. It is a short horror story set in my home town giving a shout out to the “haunted” locations my friends and I used to explore when we were in high school. Once I started writing it, however, it took on a life of its own and expanded into a novel. I did end up publishing it without any guidance or professional editing. I now realize that book wasn’t ready to be published and it is pretty rough. It’s still a good story but I left out a good part of what I wanted to include in the storyline at the time. “The Spirit Seekers” is the predecessor to “Mojo” and tells the story of where it all began. Scottie, Jessie, and the crew stumble upon an incredible paranormal experience while filming a video for a high school journalism class project. That was where Scottie was first touched by the negative energy that plagues him throughout “Mojo.” I plan to republish the story under a new title, “Let the Games Begin,” in 2011. It will be the second installment of the Mojo Series.
BLR: If you could sum this novel up in 3 words, what would they be?
KS: Faith, Drama, and “Boo!”
BLR: ‘Mojo’ is filled with ghosts and spirits, what kind of research did you do into the spiritual and the occult to write it?
KS: I read some “how to” articles and books about ghost hunting and I spent a long time on the term, “Mojo,” as part of my research. I also put some time into Louisiana--birds, trees, forests, etc. so the scenes would ring true. I like to put the reader in every scene as though they are experiencing the story first hand. New Orleans was the perfect setting for the book because of the Mojo tie in. It is the Mojo-City, and the diverse cultural and religious melting made it an obvious choice. I’ve read horror novels and watched horror shows all my life so writing about spirits and ghosts came very natural to me. That was the easiest part!
BLR: What inspired this story?
KS: After writing “The Spirit Seekers”, I was naturally inspired to carry on the story. I had left Scottie hanging at the end of that book and his story needed to continue. Plus, a number of people who read the first book were giving me grief! They wanted to know what happened to Scottie!
BLR: Obviously, you must love ghosts, what is your favorite ghost story or haunted location?
KS: I love any good ghost story, and I don’t have a favorite spot, but I do plan to visit the Stanley Hotel in Colorado sometime this next year. It is high on my list. I’ve been researching haunted locations in Nebraska for my blog, www.krissedersten.com, and I’m really motivated to explore them all right now! I’m waiting to get some good leads from Crossroads Para-Investigations in Lincoln, NE. also. I may even try more hands-on investigating. 2011 could be a very exciting year!
BLR: Do you have a favorite character in the novel? Why?
KS: You know, it’s difficult to have a favorite character because they are all bits and pieces of people I know and love—or not! In “Mojo” I am very partial to the character Mojo. He reminds us that we can never judge a book by its cover. Sometimes we need to keep an open mind. Outward appearance is superficial and it is the deeper essential nature that counts most. Mojo is innocence, pure joy, grace, and the inner child we all need to take care of!
BLR: In the up coming third installment of this series, can tell us about what we can expect to see happen to the characters?
KS: While “Let the Games Begin” is being edited, I am also working on a final draft of the third installment. It takes place a couple of years after Mojo and continues on with the lives of the original characters. They have graduated college; contemplating marriage, and career choices, when they find themselves in touch with the supernatural once again…
BLR: What kind of readers do you think these novels will appeal to?
KS: When I began writing the series I thought the stories would appeal more to younger folks but I am finding that middle-aged boomers also love a good ghost story. Anybody who likes ghost stories and enjoys a good scare should like the Mojo series. Paranormal enthusiasts and those who like good versus evil themes will enjoy them, too. Mojo is hard to categorize!
BLR: Do you have any other current or upcoming projects that you are working on that you would like to tell us about?
KS: In addition to the books, and my blog, I am writing some e-zine articles about paranormal experiences. There are a few published on EZineArticles.com and AmericanChronicle.com. I hope to have a few more accepted for publication soon.
BLR: What kind of writing process or rituals do you have when writing your novels?
KS: I like to write first drafts in long spurts. I can spend twelve or fourteen hours writing away days at a time. The thoughts flow and I try to catch them on paper. I’m always afraid they will fizzle and disappear if I don’t snag them. Since I work a full time job as a Nursing Home Administrator and RN consultant, I don’t get to do that very often. I mostly write in the evenings and on week-ends as time allows. I like quiet time without interruption when I am writing, and I need lots of coffee. My family is awesome and gives me my space when the creativity is flowing. I appreciate that so much! They rock!
BLR: Are there any other genres or authors that are must reads for you?
KS: I must admit that I’m so busy writing right now; between blogging, articles, and the novels; I haven’t read much for fun. I like to read a book from cover to cover and I don’t do well with short spurts—I can’t seem to get back to it! I’m reading a book about Wicca right now as anthropological research for the third installment of the Mojo series. Hmmmm… I have to say that I still love Stephen King the most.
BLR: Once again, it’s obvious that are intrigued by ghosts and the paranormal. Do you believe in them? Why or why not?
KS: When it comes right down to it, I am more of a believer in the paranormal than not, but I do have a skeptical side. I believe in an afterlife and I’d like to believe it can be interactive. I think that is why ghost hunting is so intriguing to me. Anything that brings us a little closer to something we can call “proof” is really exciting to me. I doubt if science will ever provide the kind of proof necessary to convince skeptics but it is a challenge. I do believe I’ve had a few paranormal experiences in my life but there is always that little bit of doubt!
BLR: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
KS: As mentioned above, I work full time in Long Term Care. Health Care Reform and changes to Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement systems have made my life much more difficult in the past year. I love Gerontological Nursing but it’s been a trying year!
I try to keep my life in balance, avoid too much stress, and always enjoy what I do. I try to eat right and exercise 4-5 days a week. I am involved with an awesome Bible study group on Tuesdays and go to church most Sundays.
My husband, Paul, and I live in Harvard NE. with our two miniature dachshunds, Bailey and Chloe. They are spoiled rotten and drive us crazy! We have three adult daughters Lyndsi, Ashley, and Sara who are all married and have blessed us with eight perfect grandchildren. We love spending family time together as often as possible. The babies are involved in numerous activities from wrestling, football and basketball to volleyball and dance so we keep pretty busy cheering them on in their competitions. In fact, if anyone knows how to stretch the 24 hour day a little more, let me know. Hey, there might be a book in that thought, huh? Installment #4—“Time Unleashed.” (lol)
Thank you, Kris for taking the time to stop by!
If you're interested in following Kris, please be sure to check out her website!
Kris has been kind enough to offer up a copy of Mojo to one lucky commenter!
The winner will have their choice of either a paperback copy of her novel or a Kindle eBook version. When commenting please state your preference as to the format you prefer.
- Contest ends January 10, 2011
- You do not have to be a follower of this blog to enter this contest.
- Comment with the format you prefer your prize (Kindle eBook format or Paperback copy). Paperback copies available to US residents only. Ebook copy is Internationally available.
- Please include your email address
- Winner will be chosen via Random.Org
Thanks for the giveaway! Great interview BTW, this book sounds really interesting.
I'd prefer a printed copy.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I would love to read this book. Sounds really good. I would prefer the printed format. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
This books looks great and I love the cover.
Please enter me for the printed copy.
This contest is now closed. Thank you for participating and the winner will be announced shortly!
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