June 22, 2011

Giveaway: Save My Soul by Zoe Winters

Save My Soul
Author: Zoe Winters
Publisher: Incubooks
Series: Preternaturals, Book 2
ISBN: 0981943632
Purchase Information:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

*Novel was provided by the author via Bookish Snob Promotions

For more information please visit Zoe Winters' website.

All he's asking for is her soul.

After buying the antebellum home she's fantasized about since childhood, Anna Worthington discovers Luc, a dangerously seductive incubus who has been trapped in the house by a fifty-year-old curse. To rid herself of her problem house guest she'll call on a priest, gypsies, ghost hunters, and the coven of witches from lust bunny hell. All she has to do is resist him long enough to break the spell so they can go their separate ways. If she doesn't, she could die. And that would be the best case scenario.
In honor of the book tour Zoe is generously offering up 2 copies of her novel, Save My Soul, to TWO (2) lucky commenters! One will receive an eBook copy and the other will recieve a paperback copy of the novel.

-Comment with your prefered format (eBook or Print)
-Leave a valid email address
-Open to US residents
-Contest ends JULY 1, 2011

Extra Entries:
+1 being a GFC Follower
+1 for being an email subscriber

And for more chances to win and to see some other great features be sure to follow the tour along to its next stop:


Texas Book Lover said...

Please include me! I am a GFC follower!

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Escape by Fiction said...

Include me too! I'm also a GFC follower. This book sounds great!

Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction :)

Chelsea B. said...

I would love a print copy!
I follow through email.


Beverly said...

I just stopped to say hi - I too am participating in this tour - nice post!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win either format :)


Anonymous said...

I would love to win a paperback copy. Please enter me in contest. Sounds like a really great book. I am a follower and email subscriber. Tore923@aol.com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I would love to win a print copy of the book! It really looks like a good one:)

+1 GFC follower: Julie Witt
+1 email subscriber: jwitt33@live.com

Thanks for a great giveaway:)

jwitt33 at live dot com


Anne said...

I prefer ebook if available in pdf or epub, but would gladly take paper.

GFC Anne38
Email subscriber


Unknown said...

I would love to win a print copy. thanks
GFC follower
e-mail subscriber

latishajean said...

Great giveaway thank you so much I loved Blood lust and can't wait to read this one! Thanks for the chance I would pick print copy. Im a GFC follower/latishajean
tishajean@ charter.net

Juana said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Please enter me for a print copy of the book.

GFC follower = Juana Esparza

Email subscriber =


Melissa said...

Print please and thanks for the giveaway!

GFC = mk261274

mk261274 at gmail dot com