July 15, 2011

Giveaway: How to Seduce a Scoundrel by Vicky Dreiling

How to Seduce a Scoundrel
Author: Vicky Dreiling
Publisher: Forever Romance
ISBN: 1609419081
Purchase Information:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

*Novel provided by the publisher

For more information please visit Vicky Dreiling's website.

Miss Julianne Gatewick is in a pickle. It started when her brother's best friend-for whom she's long nursed a secret tendre-agreed to act as her guardian for the Season, only to seduce her with a risqué waltz. But when the music stopped and the expectant ton waited for Marc Darcett, Earl of Hawkfield, to claim her as his own, he made his disinterest clear. Rather than succumb to humiliation, Julianne does what any self-respecting, recently discarded young miss with a wicked sense of humor would do. She secretly pens a lady's guide to enticing unrepentant rakes . . . and it becomes the hottest scandal sheet in London.

Every honorable rake knows that friends' sisters are forbidden. But suddenly Julienne has a spark of mischief in her eyes that Hawk can't resist. Try as he might to push her away, he spends his days listening for her laughter and his nights dreaming of kissing her senseless. He's always avoided innocents and their marriage-minded mothers, but has the man least likely to wed finally met his match?

Author Article
(Previously Published @ Hatchette Books)

Dear Reader,

While writing my first novel HOW TO MARRY A DUKE, I decided my hero Tristan, the Duke of Shelbourne needed a sidekick. That bad boy sidekick was Tristan’s oldest friend, Marc Darcett, the Earl of Hawkfield, the hero of HOW TO SEDUCE A SCOUNDREL. Hawk is a rogue who loves nothing better than a lark. Truthfully, I had to rein Hawk in more than once in the first book as he tried repeatedly to upstage all the other characters. Unlike his friend Tristan, Hawk is averse to giving up his bachelor status. He’s managed to evade his female relatives’ matchmaking schemes for years. According to the latest tittle-tattle, his mother and sisters went into a decline upon learning of his ill-fated one-hour engagement. Clearly, this is a man who values his freedom.

My first task was to find the perfect heroine to foil him. Who better than the one woman he absolutely must never touch? Yes, that would be his best friend’s sister, Lady Julianne. After all, it’s a rake’s code of conduct that friends’ sisters are forbidden. Unbeknownst to Hawk, however, Julianne has been planning their nuptials for four long years. I wasn’t quite sure how Julianne would manage this feat, given Hawk’s fear of catching wife-itis. After a great deal of pacing about, the perfect solution popped into my head. I would use the time-honored trick known as The Call to Adventure. When Tristan, who cannot be in London for the season, proposes that Hawk act as Julianne’s unofficial guardian, I knew Hawk’s bachelor days were numbered.

In addition to these plans, I wanted to add in a bit of fun with yet another Regency-era spoof of modern dating practices. I recalled an incident in which one of my younger male colleagues complained about that dratted advice book for single ladies THE RULES. I wasn’t very sympathetic to his woes about women ruling guys. After all, reluctant bachelors have held the upper hand for centuries. Thus, I concocted The Rules in Regency England.

Naturally, the road to true love is fraught with heartbreak, mayhem, and, well, a decanter of wine. Matters turn bleak for poor Julianne when Hawk makes his disinterest clear after a rather steamy waltz. I knew Julianne needed help, and so I sent in a wise woman – albeit, a rather eccentric one. Hawk’s Aunt Hester, a plain-spoken woman, has some rather startling advice for Julianne. Left with only the shreds of her pride, Julianne decides to write a lady’s guide to seducing scoundrels into the proverbial parson’s mousetrap. My intrepid heroine finds herself in hot suds when all of London hunts for the anonymous author of that scandalous publication The Secrets of Seduction. At all costs, Julianne must keep her identity a secret—especially from Hawk who is determined to guard her from his fellow scoundrels. But can he guard his own heart from the one woman forbidden to him?

My heartfelt thanks to all the readers who wrote to let me know they couldn’t wait to read HOW TO SEDUCE A SCOUNDREL. I hope you will enjoy the twists and turns that finally lead to happily ever after for Hawk and Julianne.

Vicky Dreiling


Enter to win a copy of How to Seduce a Scoundrel by Vicky Dreiling.

To enter:
  • Leave a comment with a valid email address telling us why you love Regency/Historical Romance
  • Be a GFC Follower
  • Open to US/Canada
  • 3 Winners will be chosen via Random.org
  • Contest closes July 23, 2011
And don't forget to read an exceprt of the novel HERE!!


CrystalGB said...

I love Regency historicals because they have great settings, the characters lead such interesting lives and the romances are so emotional and passionate.
GFC follower CrystalGB


In Julie's Opinion said...

I love historical regencies because back then women had a particular role to play, usually subservient to the man, but in romance books they always buck the trend and stand up for themselves. I love to see strong heroines in my books, and most historical regencies have just such a character as the MC.

I am a GFC follower.
jwitt33 at live dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and email subscriber. I love reading all different generes including historical romances. I can't think of any titles yet. Please enter me in contest.I would love to read this book. Tore923@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I love reading Historical romance including Regency because it makes me dream of all the pomp and circumstance of the TON and the "royalty". It's fun and usually the female is strong and a fighter. Thank you for the contest. I enjoy receiving the posting via e-mail. lisa gk at yahoo dotcom

Melissa said...

I love the settings in historical novels...it's a real escape!
GFC mk261274

mk261274 at gmail dot com

Kristy said...

I love how the heroine is typically outspoken instead of all demure like how much of high society women were required to be in the past.

GFC follower

kliu107 (at) gmail (dot) com

Tatiana L. said...

I have just finished Vicky's first novel "How to Marry a Duke" the one that introduced the characters of this second book, and I really liked it! I would love to read this book now and find out the continuation of the story =)

tatiana_lwg(at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I love regency historicals because of the rich settings, the social mores of the time, and the fashions and styles.